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Top 10 quotes - Declare office of the president vacant and swear in Osinbajo as acting president


Below are quotes that bear the weight of all that has transpired in Nigeria, within the course of the passing week. 

1. "My husband’s health not as bad as being perceived" 

Top 10 quotes - Declare office of the president vacant and swear in Osinbajo as acting president

Aisha Buhari, wife of President Muhammadu Buhari, says the health of her husband is not as bad as being perceived by Nigerians. 

2. "Can Nigerians, in all honesty, declare the person that appointed them incapacitated because it will mean they may also be packing their bags?" 

  Top 10 quotes - Declare office of the president vacant and swear in Osinbajo as acting president

 Civil society organisations and some lawyers have given the presidency till May 29 to disclose the true state of health of President Muhammadu Buhari. 

3. "Allah kept me out of sight because I believe in him and doing his biddings"

Top 10 quotes - Declare office of the president vacant and swear in Osinbajo as acting president
Abubakar Shekau, leader of Nigerian Islamist terrorist group Boko Haram, has dismissed claims by Nigerian Airforce that he was injured in a recent aerial bombardment of the sect. 

4. "We are all human after all, and no one can play God"
Top 10 quotes - Declare office of the president vacant and swear in Osinbajo as acting president

Ebun-Olu Adegboruwa, a Lagos-based lawyer has called on the Nigerian Senate to declare the office of the president vacant and swear in the vice president as acting president immediately. 

5. "I have no secession agenda. I don't want to pull the Igbos out of Nigeria"

Top 10 quotes - Declare office of the president vacant and swear in Osinbajo as acting president

Nnamdi Kanu says he did not in any way renounce Biafra as claimed in a purported statement. 

6. "This is where my Father in Heaven came from, it’s non-negotiable"
Top 10 quotes - Declare office of the president vacant and swear in Osinbajo as acting president

Controversial Nigerian man of God, Prophet TB Joshua has taken everyone by surprise as he openly declared his intentions to move his ministry to Israel. 

7. "There is difference between sickness and being aged"
Top 10 quotes - Declare office of the president vacant and swear in Osinbajo as acting president

Malam Adnan Na-Habu, a cousin to President Muhammadu Buhari and the official spokesman for the family has attributed the president’s current health challenges to old age. 

8. "If he does move out, it will affect our tourism in Nigeria"

Top 10 quotes - Declare office of the president vacant and swear in Osinbajo as acting president

The federal government has pleaded with Prophet Temitope B Joshua, the founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), to reconsider his decision to relocate from Nigeria. 

9. "The fight to keep Nigeria one was not worth it"

Top 10 quotes - Declare office of the president vacant and swear in Osinbajo as acting president

General Ipoola Alani Akinrinade has said that the fight to keep Nigeria as a single country is futile and that the Igbos agitating for Biafra should be allowed to go. 

10. "I am solidly behind him till I die"
Top 10 quotes - Declare office of the president vacant and swear in Osinbajo as acting president

Egwukwu 11 of Afaraukwu Ibeku, HRM (Eze) Israel Okwu Kanu, father of the leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) says his son will actualize Biafra. Meanwhile, the battle for 2019 has begun in earnest, with promotional posters flooding the streets.. Nigerians have share their views on the development, below is a video of the takes of Nigerians on this issue.

Master Oladseg Blog


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